How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden


Squirrels may be cute and entertaining, but their appetite for garden delights can wreak havoc on your plants. If you’re tired of squirrels digging up bulbs, stealing fruits, and causing chaos in your garden, it’s time to take action. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore eight proven methods to keep squirrels out of your garden. With a combination of natural deterrents and strategic techniques, you can create a squirrel-free oasis where your plants can flourish undisturbed.

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden?

Use Squirrel-Repellent Plants:

Planting squirrel-repellent plants can naturally deter these furry creatures. Examples include daffodils, marigolds, and hyacinths. The strong scents and tastes of these plants discourage squirrels from venturing into your garden.

Install Physical Barriers:

Erecting physical barriers is an effective way to keep squirrels out of specific areas. Use chicken wire, netting, or fences to enclose vulnerable plant beds or create squirrel-proof enclosures. Make sure the barriers are buried at least a few inches below the ground to prevent squirrels from digging underneath.

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden

Provide Squirrel Feeders:

Set up squirrel feeders away from your garden to divert their attention and provide them with an alternative food source. Fill the feeders with nuts and seeds to entice the squirrels away from your plants.

Use Squirrel-Repellent Sprays:

Squirrel-repellent sprays are readily available in garden centers. These sprays contain natural ingredients like hot pepper, garlic, or predator urine that deter squirrels. Apply the repellent directly on vulnerable plants or surrounding areas.

Create Distractions:

Squirrels are easily attracted to distractions. Place bird feeders or squirrel activity stations away from your garden to divert their attention. Keep the feeders well-stocked to provide an enticing food source.

Install Motion-Activated Devices:

Motion-activated devices such as sprinklers or ultrasonic repellents can startle squirrels and deter them from entering your garden. The sudden movement or noise will make them associate your garden with an unpleasant experience.

Remove Potential Food Sources:

Squirrels are attracted to easily accessible food sources. Keep your garden tidy by regularly removing fallen fruits, nuts, and seeds. Trim overhanging branches that provide squirrels easy access to your garden.

Apply Natural Repellents:

Certain natural repellents like mothballs, cayenne pepper, or predator urine can discourage squirrels. Sprinkle these repellents around your garden or on specific plants, but be mindful of any potential risks or allergic reactions.

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Garden


Are squirrels harmful to plants?

Squirrels can damage plants by digging up bulbs, gnawing on bark, and eating fruits and vegetables. Their activities can lead to stunted growth or even the death of plants in severe cases.

How can I deter squirrels without harming them?

There are numerous humane methods to deter squirrels, such as using repellent plants, physical barriers, or providing alternative food sources. It’s important to prioritize the safety and well-being of both your garden and the squirrels.

Will scarecrows keep squirrels away?

Scarecrows alone may not be effective against squirrels, as they quickly learn to ignore stationary objects. However, combining scarecrows with other deterrent methods can enhance their effectiveness.

Should I use squirrel traps?

Trapping and relocating squirrels may seem like a solution, but it’s often not recommended. Transferring squirrels to unfamiliar environments can lead to stress or harm to both the squirrels and the ecosystem.


With these eight creative methods, you can successfully protect your garden from squirrel invasions. Embrace your inner strategist and experiment with different approaches to find the best combination for your garden. Remember, a squirrel-free garden means more thriving plants and fewer nibbled flowers. Now you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the beauty of your garden sanctuary without any furry interruptions.

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